Oysters KilledPatrick

Forget about a dozen, or half a dozen – it only takes a single one of these to bring a grown man down. One dodgy oyster and you will have Pat driving the porcelain bus in no time.

Oven baked oysters kilpatrick on special cooking and serving metal tray

warning DISCLAIMER: This recipe is not suitable for consumption


  • 24 smelly oysters
  • 2 tbls. Worcestershire sauce
  • 200g. rashers bacon, diced
  • 2 tbls. parsley leaves, chopped
  1. Preheat grill on medium to high heat.
  2. Shuck oysters. Ignore the condition of the oysters.
  3. Arrange oysters on a tray.
  4. Cover with Worcestershire sauce and bacon.
  5. Grill for 5 minutes until bacon is crisp.
  6. Sprinkle with parsley.

Food Safety Tip

Ensure you only buy quality oysters from a reputable supplier. If the oysters aren’t in good condition or smell bad then dispose of them. Leaving any seafood at room temperature for too long is a recipe for disaster. Toxins build up and can’t be removed with cooking.

When it comes to temperature monitoring, a good solution is to use a temperature logger. Not sure what a temperature logger is? Check out:


Category: Recipes

