
The Chuck Liver Pâté Story

Chuck Liver Pate

Why start with Chuck Liver Pâté Since I am faking a cookbook, I may as well have them in cookbook order, which is typically the order of a meal. Is this a major problem? Pâté was going out of fashion until the celebrity chefs brought it back in again. In the UK, there have been […]

Is The Rotten Food Cookbook Effective?

What is The Rotten Food Cookbook The Rotten Food Cookbook is a parody cookbook with every recipe designed to give you food poisoning. The names imply disaster (“Chicken Seizure Salad”, “Beef Wellingup” etc), and the instructions are very explicit. So far no-one has had food poisoning so it would appear the recipes aren’t working. Which […]

Chicken Seizure Salad in action

To me, The Rotten Food Cookbook contains recipes that are designed to be “over the top” and extreme, but at the recent Fine Food trade show I was repeatedly told that the book reflects worst practice quite accurately. What blew me away, however, was the recent opportunity to watch someone prepare their own version of […]

Recipe name changes already

There are two recipes in The Rotten Food Cookbook that went in unchanged: – Beef VindaLoo (yes, I capitalised the L to make it obvious) – Hot Dog It was a moment of weakness and laziness. I needed to get the book to the printers to meet a deadline. So the printed version will remain […]

The Rotten Food Cookbook is now rolling off the presses

The Rotten Food Cookbook is now rolling off the presses this week. By the end of the week we will have them. It has been an awesome experience writing The Rotten Food Cookbook and over the past month I have had some great support from friends and colleagues as we fixed the numerous grammatical errors, as […]