
Sneeze Platter

Even a choosy patron would not turn their nose up at this fine selection of cheeses, and hopefully they will mistake that fine covering of spray with a sweating cheese.

Chocolate Mousstake

People are always fighting over our recipes, but let the coroner decide whose Mousstake it was. “Secret” ingredients make for good marketing, but not when they are cleaning products.

Shepherd’s Die With E.ColiFlower Mash

While the shepherd was cutting corners with a carcass they introduced a bit more than they bargained for. When the cook cuts corners with the baking they made sure the problem remained.

Beef Bogenough

At home this is one dish that we always saved for Ron (as in “Later Ron”) and cooling and reheating is critical to ensure that it will be appreciated for days to come.

Oysters KilledPatrick

Forget about a dozen, or half a dozen – it only takes a single one of these to bring a grown man down. One dodgy oyster and you will have Pat driving the porcelain bus in no time.